South Yarra Locksmiths is happy to provide you with a summary of the crime stats for this suburb. As the leading force in providing both commercial and residential security for South Yarra, we like to keep abreast of what’s happening in the area and are happy to share this information with all residents and business owners.

South Yarra is located just 4km southeast of the Melbourne CBD. The suburb boasts a large range of prestigious properties with current median prices of just over $2M. Plus, a huge assortment of apartments that are popular with students and young professionals.

The suburb has attracted lots of young professionals who enjoy the vibrant atmosphere here with lots of bars and restaurants in close proximity to residential homes and apartments.

It’s the perfect place to be if you like being surrounded by people and lots of lively activity. Shopping is varied with many exclusive boutiques, especially along Chapel Street, and there’s plenty of public transport to get into the city or surrounding areas.

For a spot of peace, you can always head to the botanical gardens which are nearby or take a stroll beside the Yarra River. St Kilda Beach is also not that far away.

Crime Stats

The current crime statistics were collated by the Crime Statistics Agency of Victoria. These outline the crime rates for our suburb in focus.

south yarra locksmiths

Crime Stats

The current crime stats were collated by the Crime Statistics Agency of Victoria. These outline the crime rates for our suburb in focus.

Types of CrimeSouth Yarra Crime Stats 2022South Yarra Crime Stats 2019
Burglary/ Break & Enter192216
Breaches of Justice Order163154
Property Damage160150

As you can see from these stats, the crime rates haven’t changed all that much over the last 3 years. However, the incidences of theft have risen which seems to be a common occurrence in many areas and suburbs.

For this reason, it’s vitally important that you have a good security system in place, whether at home or at your business premises. As the premier l, we offer a mobile locksmith in south yarra service to ensure that you have the security that you need.

In Summary

If you live in South Yarra and you’re concerned about the rising levels of theft in your suburb, feel free to give us a call anytime. Our mobile locksmiths can be at your premises in no time and can advise you of the best security system that will meet your needs.