Are you keen to see the current crime stats in Thornbury and how they compare to previous years? We’re happy to provide this information for you as it also helps us to stay ahead of what’s happening in the area so that we can better help our customers with their security needs.

As your local locksmith, Thornbury is one of the suburbs that we service and we’ve been able to help many customers, both residential and business owners, to update their security systems.

crime stats thornbury locksmith

Thornbury Suburb Profile

Although fairly close to the CBD, Thornbury offers a more relaxed lifestyle with low-density housing and plenty of open spaces and parklands. For nature lovers, there’s the Merri Creek Trail and the Strettle Wetland Reserve. Plus, there are plenty of walking and cycling tracks to enjoy.

You’ll also find a vibrant entertainment and dining scene, especially along High Street. Not to mention the large number of shops that will supply you with everything you need without straying too far from home.

But, if you do want to venture into the city, there are plenty of public transport options to get you there. These include extensive bus routes, tram lines and the suburban train network.

For families with young children, there are numerous schools to choose from as well as sporting facilities to keep them entertained on the weekends.

Crime Stats Thornbury

Locksmith Thornbury is pleased to provide you with these crime stats which were collated by the Crime Statistics Agency of Victoria. These outline the crime rates for our suburb in focus.

Types of CrimeThornbury Crime Stats 2023Thornbury Crime Stats 2019
Burglary/ Break & Enter108128
Breaches of Justice Order4681
Property Damage53115

Surprisingly, all the stats have fallen quite consistently across the board over the past four years. This would indicate that both residents and business owners in Thornbury have become far more security conscious and this is obviously paying off for them.

At Thornbury Locksmiths, we’ve noticed that many business and property owners are now installing access control systems to keep their homes and businesses secure and safe from intruders.

In Summary

If you live in Thornbury and are concerned that you don’t have enough security, why not get in touch with our residential locksmith to see how we can help? Don’t forget that you can easily call in to our shop in nearby Collingwood if you need our key cutting service.  We can have your new keys cut in a flash.