Key cutting is the process of making duplicate keys from an existing one. Basically, almost any key that you currently have can be duplicated using the key cutting process. This is particularly useful when you need a spare key for a family member, a friend or even someone you’ve engaged to look after your pets and your garden when you’re away on holiday.

key cutting in melbourne overview

What Is Key Cutting?

The key-cutting process involves using a special machine to cut a matching key from a blank using the existing key as the mould. This is quite a precise process and should be carried out by a professional locksmith. Otherwise, you might end up with a duplicate key that just doesn’t work or even worse, actually damages your lock.

Why You Might Need A Key Cutting Service

There are plenty of instances when you might need a key cutting service to make duplicate keys for you.

You’ve Broken Your House Key

Keys that are used often, such as your house key, can be prone to wear and tear. Sometimes, a well-used key will snap and you’ll need to get a replacement.

You’ve Lost Your Keys

If you happen to lose your keys, you want to ensure that you have a spare set hidden away somewhere or left with a friend so that you can get into your home or business.

You’re In The Habit Of Locking Your Keys In The Car

If you’re in the habit of constantly locking your keys in the car, you’ll want to get a spare key cut so that you can access your car whenever you need to.

Here Are Some Common Key Cutting Questions You May Need To Ask Your Locksmith

What types of keys do we cut?

We can cut a whole range of different keys including house keys, letterbox keys, flat steel keys, safe keys, gern keys, mortice keys and car keys.

How much does key cutting cost?

The cost to get a key cut will depend on the type of key you need duplicated. Generally, the cost of getting a common key cut may only cost around $7 while something a little more complex can cost around $60 or more.

What keys cannot be copied?

Restricted keys and master keys can only be copied by the locksmith who originally cut the key and installed the security system.

What proof do you need to bring to get keys cut?

You only need to prove ownership if you’re having a restricted key cut. For this, we will need the signature of the authorised person.

How long does key cutting take?

Using state-of-the-art key cutting equipment means that we can cut common keys in just a few minutes. More complex key cutting may take a little longer.

If my keys are snapped, can you still duplicate them?

Yes, even snapped keys can be duplicated but this might take a little longer and cost a little more than just having a common key cut from an existing key that is still functional.

Do you provide key cutting service near me?

Yes, our lock shop is located in Collingwood, so you can always call in during our shop hours to get your keys cut.

Key Cutting Service – Contact Amalgamated Locksmith

Whenever you need additional keys cut for your home, business or vehicle, or you need a locksmith shop near me, you can contact Amalgamated Locksmiths on (03) 9419 6922 or call into our shop at 10 Smith Street, Collingwood. Our shop hours are 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Plus, our 24 7 locksmith is always available for any emergency locksmith service you might need.