If you want to have some keys cut, you might be wondering how much key cutting costs. This will primarily depend on the type of key you want cut. The three main types of keys are house keys, specialty keys, and car keys.

House Keys

Standard house keys are generally the most basic keys that you’ll want to have cut. If you have the original key and not a duplicate, you can have a replacement cut almost anywhere including your local hardware store.

However, this does rely on your local hardware store having the exact blank that they need to cut the key that you want. The key cutting cost for these will range from $4 to $20 depending on the type of key.

Specialty Keys

Specialty keys require more specialised knowledge because they are generally more complex to cut.

Types of Specialty keys

  • Restricted & master-key system
  • Flat steel keys
  • Letterbox keys
  • Filing cabinet keys
  • Safe keys
  • Abloy keys
  • Gem keys
  • Mortice keys
  • Power industry keys

For these types of keys, you really do want to engage a qualified locksmith who has expert knowledge on cutting these types of keys. These keys will cost you a little more than standard house keys.

You’ll also find that restricted keys can only be cut by the locksmith whose name is on the head of the key as this locksmith owns the key system.

Car Keys/Automotive Keys

A reputable locksmith can duplicate your car keys and/or transponder keys at a more affordable price than if you were to go to a car dealership. Most times, this involves programming the new key so that it works effortlessly to open your car door and start your vehicle. The key cutting cost for these will vary depending on the type of key you need.

Local Hardware vs Professional Locksmith

While you can get most standard house keys duplicated at your local hardware store, this is not always the best option. Especially, if the original key that is being duplicated is worn. This may result in a replacement key that will not work in the lock correctly.

You’ll also find that your local hardware will only have a small number of available blanks and if your key is just a little different, it won’t be able to be duplicated. You also need to be aware that it is possible for the salesperson, who is not an expert in key-cutting, may accidentally damage your original key.

That’s why it’s vitally important that you engage a professional when it comes to getting replacement or duplicate keys cut. A professional locksmith can cut most types of keys including house keys, high-security keys, and automotive keys.

Plus, all of the keys that we cut are covered by a guarantee which is something you don’t get when you have keys cut by a hardware store.

This ensures that your new key is matched perfectly to the lock and is of the highest quality to keep on working for you for as long as you need it.