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Amalgamated Locksmiths's Blog

keeping your valuables safe and secure

1511, 2019

Why you don’t always know when you’ve been robbed

By |November 15th, 2019|

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare. Arriving home to find your door open and your belongings gone. But sometimes a robbery might not be so obvious. Some burglars quickly enter and leave without so much as a mark on the wall. So, in this case, how do you know if you’ve been robbed?

111, 2019

5 ways to know you’ve had an attempted break in

By |November 1st, 2019|

Not every break in attempt is successful. A thief may be put off by a security light, passers-by or a car pulling into the driveway. If you suspect your home has been a target, report it to the police as soon as possible and consider upgrading your security.

1810, 2019

Suburb in Focus: East and West Brunswick

By |October 18th, 2019|

Every month, we break down a Melbourne suburb and discuss its crime statistics using data from Crime Statistics Victoria. This month, we take a look at the two suburbs on either side of Brunswick. This week, we bring you East Brunswick and West Brunswick’s Crime Statistics.

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